
grants and distributions

Listed below are the grants and distributions, by trust, managed by He Akina. Certain applications can be made online, for any enquiries please call or visit the office.

To download the ‘All Grants Brochure’ please click here.


Opepe farm Trust

tangihanga Grant

Available for the tangihanga of the deceased (being an Opepe Farm Trust individual owner or an owner within a whānau trust). Please contact He Akina for more details.

Owner Card (for opepe farm fresh milk)

The ‘Opepe Farm Trust Owner Card’ gives owners and beneficiaries discount from Opepe Farm Fresh Milk. The Opepe Farm Fresh Milk is currently only available in Taupō through the milk dispenser unit. Please ensure your details are up to date with He Akina for panui on how to use your card. Owners can pick up a card from He Akina (88 Kaimanawa Street, Taupō) during office hours. Please note: I.D. will be required and name must match the owner / shareholder on Māori Lands Online. Beneficiaries will need to complete an application form signed off from the Opepe owner. You can download a form here, or call He Akina for more details.

te pae o waimihia

To apply for the Te Pae o Waimihia grants, you must be a verified registered member with Te Pae o Waimihia with whakapapa to one of the Te Pae o Waimihia hapū (Ngāti Rauhoto, Ngāti Tūtemohuta, Ngāti Hinerau, Ngāti Tutetawha, Ngāti Te Urunga, and Ngāti Hineure). Children under the age of 18 years, must be listed as natural issue on their parents registration to be eligible for grants. Applications should be made through your members portal. Please call the office if you need your login details.

Note: If this is your first time applying for a Te Pae o Waimihia grant, please expect a longer processing time for your application as all first time applicants undergo a verification process through their respective hapū.

Pakeke Medical Grant (specialised Treatment / general health)

Subsidisation of medical treatments to Te Pae o Waimihia members 40 years and over. The grant will contribute up to $1000 per calendar year towards specialised treatments (dental / vision / hearing) and up to $500 per calendar year towards general health.

Dental GRANT

Subsidisation of dentistry treatments to Te Pae o Waimihia members aged between 18 and 39 years. The grant will be to the value of up to $250 per calendar year, to contribute towards preventative dentistry and dental hygiene.

Sporting Participation Grant - $100 per calendar year

Subsidisation of sporting related expenses (including fees, subscriptions and membership). Available to members (and listed tamariki) of Te Pae o Waimihia.

Sporting Representation Grant - $300 per calendar year

Subsidisation of sporting related expenses for representative sports. Available to members (and listed tamariki) of Te Pae o Waimihia.

Education Grant - $200 per calendar year

Subsidisation of education expenses for listed tamariki of Te Pae o Waimihia enrolled in NZ schools Year 0 - 10.

tamariki health care Grant - $250 per calendar year

Subsidisation of vision and hearing health care expenses for listed tamariki (aged 0-17 years) of Te Pae o Waimihia members.

Tangihanga Grant

Available to Te Pae o Waimihia marae to support tangihanga expenses for Te Pae o Waimihia deceased. Please call He Akina for enquiries.

Kura / Kohanga Reo Grant

Available to kura and kohanga reo within the Te Pae o Waimihia rohe. Please contact He Akina for more information.


Available to whānau in need residing in the Taupō & Tūrangi areas. See your hapū representative for more information.

Kaumātua Healthy Homes Grant

Established to support Te Pae o Waimihia kaumātua by contributing towards the costs of improving the health of their homes. Please call the office on (07) 378 5180 for more details.

east taupo lands

over 80’s grant

Available to owners over 80 years who reside in New Zealand. Download the form below, or see He Akina for more information.

Kaumātua Medical Grant

Subsidisation of medical treatments (glasses, hearing aids, dental costs, specialist medical costs) to owners aged 65 years and over who reside in New Zealand.

school Grants

Education grants are available to owners or direct descendants enrolled in Year 1 - Year 13 at a New Zealand primary or secondary school. The grant is to contribute towards school fees and subscriptions, school uniforms, school activities, school stationary and equipment. Primary $40, Intermediate $50, Secondary $100.

tertiary grant

Tertiary grants are available to assist with fees for tauira undertaking tertiary education in New Zealand based on full time study. Doctorate $600, Bachelor’s Degree $500, Polytech Diploma $200, University Diploma or Graduate Diploma $400, Multi-Year Certificate $200, Other Certificate $100.

tangihanga Grant

$500 is available to assist with the tangihanga of the deceased, who must have been an owner, residing in New Zealand. Please contact He Akina for more details.

tauhara Moana Trust

Kaumātua Grant - $300

Available to owners 65 years and over. Please contact He Akina for more details.



Tertiary Education Grant available to ngā hapū o Wairakei. Applications will open on the 1st December 2024 and close on the 28th February 2025.


Projects Grant available to ngā hapū o Wairakei. Winter funding round: 1st June - 31st July. Summer funding round: 1st December 2024 - 28th February 2025.


Wānanga Grant available to ngā hapū o Wairakei. Winter funding round: 1st June - 31st July. Summer funding round: 1st December 2024 - 28th February 2025.

ngati tuwharetoa fisheries charitable trust

Tangihanga Grant

20kg of fish to support Ngāti Tūwharetoa tangihanga. Tūpāpaku must lie at Ngāti Tūwharetoa marae. Please contact He Akina for more details.