No runga o Tauhara! Ko toku maunga paepae, tenei au te tuohu nei! Atop of Tauhara! He is my mountain backbone, to whom I bow in acknowledgement.
Tauhara Middle 15 Trust (TM15) manages 250 hectares of farm land located at the base of Tauhara Maunga on Mountain Road, Taupo.
Block Name: Tauhara Middle 15
Structure: 36125
Location: Mountain Road, Taupō
Block ID: 38022
Total Owners: 4773
Total Shares: 29145.45684
Area (ha): 248.976
Governance: Topia Rameka (Chairperson), John Fenwick (Deputy Chair), Heemi Biddle, Peter Eden
Contact Details: c/o He Akina, PO Box 723, Taupo 3351
Tauhara Joint Working Party
The TM15 Trust and Tauhara Mountain Trust have formed the Tauhara Working Group to progress the mahi on Destination Tauhara with three key workstreams:
1. Project Hikoi centered around the opportunities related to the Tauhara Maunga walkway.
2. Project Kaitiaki centered around the restoration of Tauhara Maunga to the time of tupuna Ngatoroirangi.
3. Project Destination centered around tourism and employment opportunities that can be developed on TM15 Trust land as a result of Project Hikoi and Project Kaitiaki.
Tauhara North Property Partnership
In 2008, TM15 established a property partnership with Opepe Farm Trust to purchase the Tauhara North block, located between the TM15 block and the eastern arterial route.
This block is currently leased to Opepe Farm Trust, through Opepe General Partner Limited.
This partnership is part of a wider Tauhara hapu relationship building initiative, with the goal of bringing Tauhara Maori entities together, to work collaboratively on current and future projects.
“Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitu te whenua, tihei Mauriora!”
Annual general meeting
The last Tauhara Middle 15 Trust AGM was held on Saturday the 20th August 2016 at Waipahihi Marae, Taupo. The Annual Report is available for download below.