The Wairakei Charitable Trust was established to recognise the partnership between ngā hapū and Contact Energy Ltd.
In 1958 the Wairakei Geothermal Power Station was commissioned and in 2001 Contact Energy Limited applied for a range of Resource Consents to provide for ongoing operations of this Power Station.
During the submission process, ngā hapū lodged submissions that sought to maintain ancestral connection to wāhi tapu, and other taonga that were affected by the activities of the Wairakei geothermal power station.
A memorandum of understanding was signed in July 2023 between ngā hapū and Contact Energy Ltd, and in 2007 the Wairakei Charitable Trust was established to manage funds in recognition of this partnership.
The operation of the Trust is governed by a Charitable Trust Deed in accordance with the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.
For Wairakei Charitable Trust grants, please visit our whānau area (grants and distributions).
“Wārea te one tapu,
Ka hura tangata a uta, me tiakina atu ki tangata a tai, Ka hura tangata a tai, me tiakina atu ki tangata a uta. Kia oti ake te mahara ma te taiao mo ake tonu atu.”

The Wairakei Charitable Trust 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on 13th November, at Nukuhau Marae, Taupō.
AGM books are available for download below:
2024 Wairakei Charitable Trust AGM Book