Ko Tauhara te Maunga, Ko Rotokawa te Moana, Tīhei Mauriora!
Managing 715.305 hectares of land in an integrated agribusiness located on Broadlands Road, Taupo, our trust values are based on Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship and protection of the whenua for future generations.
Block Name: Tauhara North No.3B
Structure: Ahu Whenua Trust
Location: Broadlands Road, Taupō
Block ID: 38022
Total Owners: 2,062 (2022/2024 year)
Total Shares: 65.25
Area (ha): 715.305
Governance: Skay Rangi (Chairperson), Danny Loughlin (Deputy Chair), Topia Rameka, Metiria Rameka, Heemi Biddle, Kelley Samuels-Hema
Contact Details: c/o He Akina, PO Box 723, Taupō 3351
Email admin@heakina.co.nz
“Manaaki whenua, Manaaki tangata, Haere whakamua”
tauhara moana TRUST BUSINESS
We have three main areas of business: dairy farming, geothermal, and forestry. These income streams provide revenue for the annual kaumatua grants, maintenance of the whenua, farming operations and future investment opportunities.
tauhara farming limited partnership
Directors: Danny Loughlin, Clinton Hemana (Chairperson)
Farm Supervisor: Mark Johnston
Dairy Manager: Laurence Walden
Tauhara Farming Limited Partnership (TFLP) was established in 2013 as a subsidiary company - separate from the trust, safeguarding the trust assets.
TFLP aims to continually grow and improve operational performance of the two dairy units and the drystock unit, being a fully self-contained farming operation.
In 2010, Tauhara Moana Trust entered into a drilling agreement with Contact Energy giving Contact Energy permission to drill on Tauhara Moana whenua to check for geothermal activity.
Contact Energy delayed drilling exploration wells, providing the Trust with mitigation payments each year drilling was put off. Deferral payments will cease after an exploration well drilled in 2023 was unsuccessful at gaining suitable access to the geothermal resource.
The Tauhara Moana Trust continues to work with Contact Energy to find alternative commercial opportunities.
Tauhara Moana Trust previously had a forestry agreement with Rotokawa Forestry Limited to plant and harvest pine on the corpus block. When harvesting was completed in 2017, we resolved to retain the full forestry right of 14 hectares of juvenile trees - in lieu of 25% stumpage from the recently harvested areas.
In 2018, these harvested areas in Pinus Radiata were replanted and further planting activity is planned to beatify the farm, reduce carbon footprint, and to combat subsoil erosion in susceptible areas.
“The principles of Kaitiakitanga, Integrity, Excellence, Tikanga, and Innovation, ensure that we act in the best interest of our whenua, our whānau, and future generations”

Annual General Meetings
The Tauhara Moana Trust 2024 Annual General Meeting is to be held on Thursday 5th December, at the Taupō Yacht Club, Taupō.
AGM books are available to download below.